Tuesday, December 25, 2012

3D Printed Record

Late last month I was talking to my girlfriend about using a 3D Printer to print common, but useful items like screws, handles and small replacement parts for objects. Eventually I began to explain that one could actually build a car exterior using only 3D printed materials and then I realized that if one could build huge objects with large details then the opposite would be just as fun. I mentioned the idea of printing your own records, but realized it would be difficult to transfer the detailed grooves onto plastic, but why couldn't it be done, right?
While my girlfriend thought I was going "way out there" with my 3d printer design ideas there are some people who are reaching the frontier that we dream of. Amanda Ghassaei at Instructables has taken the first step in achieving this reality. While the results are less than satisfactory the achievement is remarkable. The quality is less than sub par, but it isn't terrible- at least we can make out what songs are being played. It's just the first step. Read Amanda's tutorial on Instructables.
3D Printed Record from Amanda Ghassaei on Vimeo.

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